
Issue #2826 invalid
Lee Kings created an issue

Hi Guys

We recently realised we dont give Launchbox any of the kudos or credit it deserves over on, we get millions of unique hits per week and want to give it some major kudos.

Do you have a media/press pack we can start with ?

Now the cheeky part - would like 2 licenses - for free , 1 for us here at the Arcade Punks offices (never to be shared or distributed) and 1 to give away to one lucky Launchbox user on the site, we would like to install Launchbox and drop a range of videos out there with how-tos and try to flip some of the other pc based community who use another 'player' in the front end game, which causes most people hours of headaches......

Please hit me back with some thoughts?

Comments (2)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Lee, absolutely! Sorry it took me a bit to get back to you here. We don't have much of a press pack honestly, but we can get you whatever you need. Also, we'd be willing to up that and do a 10 license giveaway if you're interested. Email me at and we can get started. :)

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