Set Emulators to open on a specific screen

Issue #2828 new
FriendlyFyre created an issue

So, on my setup I have two monitors at my desk, and a television connected.

Monitor 1 is my primary monitor, this is because it is the central monitor to my desk, and I wish for my steam games etc to open here (144Hz Monitor for competitive games such as Overwatch.) Monitor 2 is my secondary monitor Monitor 3 is my TV which is set to Clone Monitor 2 (all of the above are 1080p)

When I launch a game from BigBox (being displayed on M2&3) often I find emulators will launch the game and the emulator tools on Monitor 1 (being my primary monitor) However, this means I have to drag those programs to Monitor 2/3 to make them display on the TV for the 'console experience' This is tedious and tiresome to have to do for each game I launch, so would think it would improve the console experience if emulators opened by BigBox were set to open on whichever monitor BigBox is currentlybeing run on. While this may seem like an impossible task, I know it is not. I know this because when playing on Steam Big Picture mode (quite similarly to BigBox), it is automatically set so games I launch via it will open on whichever window Big Picture mode is being displayed on (monitor 2/3), however when using normal steam client (on monitor 1) it launches to monitor 1, the correct monitor in that instance when not in BigPicture mode.

I currently have a work around for this as I have installed DisplayFusion, and you can force programs to boot to a particular monitor, however this would be (in my opinion) a good feature for BigBox to have as Standard

Regardless, keep up the good work, I am incredibly pleased with this program, only annoyed I didn't find it sooner. Definitely worth the purchase! Thanks,


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