Suggestion: Quality Setting for Downloaded Videos

Issue #2829 new
Fayne Aldan created an issue

TL;DR: Skip to the last block of text.

There should be an option to set the quality of downloaded videos. This would be especially useful for Big Box on lower-end computers. My computer, for example, can barely handle 1080p (or even 720p) videos, which is the size of most Big Box Cinematix Theme Videos. As a result, I have to choose between no videos (which is boring) or horrible lag.

An additional scenario where this is useful: Most Big Box themes don't have the video playing on the entire screen. In most cases, the video is playing in a small window. On the average 1080p monitor, most of the quality of the video is lost, yet the original 1080p video is still unnecessarily processed.

This addition could most easily be accomplished by downscaling the videos between downloading and saving. However, the most effective way this could be achieved is by storing multiple versions of each video on the server, each with different qualities, and having LaunchBox request a specific quality when downloading a video. This solution would both lower the download sizes for lower qualities, and remove the time and resources needed for LaunchBox to downscale the video for the first solution.

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