Launchbox for Tv's...

Issue #2847 closed
Former user created an issue


I thought it might be worthy to suggest a feature that will allow launchbox to basically boot from a flash (usb) drive and install to a tv. Ex: Samsung Smart Tv's so you can run it directly from the tv set instead of having it only run from the pc. Maybe a Samsung Application for the tv, or a usb version like I mentioned would be great!

Example is with the KODI HTPC (Home Theater PC) application, it supposedly runs directly from some tv's but not the samsung smart tv's due to some issue with the operating system (tizen, I think), but the KODI application gui is sweet, but the emulation part really bites.

Lastly, Launch box kicks ass, but would even kick more ass if you can make a Ubuntu linux version!

Thank you Brian

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