Error after right clicking (trying to close it) on full screen image from arcade game

Issue #2859 new
Adam Contreras created an issue

I was viewing one of the images from an arcade game.. I right clicked on the screen to make it close and the error popped up.

Windows 10, 16 GB ram intel i5 processor.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

App: LaunchBox Version: 7.9 Type: System.NullReferenceException Site: Void (Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.Forms.PictureViewerForm, Unbroken.LaunchBox.Data.Game) Source: LaunchBox

at (PictureViewerForm , Game ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.Forms.PictureViewerForm.LoadImages(Game game) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.Forms.PictureViewerForm..ctor(Game game, String imageFilePath, Boolean fullscreen) at (GameDetailsGui , Point , Int32 ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.Drawing.GameDetailsGui.HandleClick(Point point, Int32 yOffset) at (GameDetailsControl , MouseEventArgs ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.Controls.GameDetailsControl.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Recent Log:

9:37:20 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 9:37:20 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 9:37:20 AM Music.Play Start 9:37:20 AM Music.Kill Start 9:37:20 AM Music.Kill Finished 9:37:20 AM Music.Play Empty Music Path 9:37:20 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start 9:37:20 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke 9:37:22 AM Music.Stop Start 9:37:22 AM Music.Kill Start 9:37:22 AM Music.Kill Finished 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 9:38:01 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 9:38:02 AM Music.Play Start 9:38:02 AM Music.Kill Start 9:38:02 AM Music.Kill Finished 9:38:02 AM Music.Play Empty Music Path 9:38:02 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start 9:38:02 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke 9:38:04 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 9:38:04 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 9:38:04 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 9:38:04 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 9:38:04 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 9:38:04 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 9:38:04 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 9:38:04 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 9:38:05 AM Music.Play Start 9:38:05 AM Music.Kill Start 9:38:05 AM Music.Kill Finished 9:38:05 AM Music.Play Empty Music Path 9:38:05 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Start 9:38:05 AM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke 9:38:05 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 9:38:05 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 9:38:05 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 9:38:05 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 9:38:05 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 9:38:05 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 9:38:05 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 9:38:05 AM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 9:38:37 AM Exception

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