XFER: Overide Wiki ID when LB DB entry is created

Issue #2944 new
Alex Dubois created an issue

This item was transferred from the database issue tracker. Issue ID: 262 Original reporter: @Massatomic

I recently found that when I went threw and added a bunch of games to the LB DB that when I went to scrape them using LB it would not find them because it was still tied to a wiki id number. I had to manually go threw and delete the wiki id from each game(one at a time), no way to do it with the bulk edit tool. Once I did this lb would search for meta data again and then link to the LB DB I think the scraper need to do a check to see if a LB DB entry exists and override wiki id if possible. It seems that its bound to a wiki id regardless of what's on the LB DB.

A bulk way to strip wiki id's would be helpful, either by using the audit tool or bulk edit tool

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