Easier RetroArch Core Selection (also, Command Line augmentation)

Issue #3012 closed
Brad Cheyne created an issue

Monkus and I were discussing ways to make selecting RetroArch cores easier. We still need to update the core defaults for when you first add RetroArch, obviously, but I think there is a cool thing that LaunchBox can do.

I was thinking about making core selection a drop down menu instead of needing to type it in to switch (but still allow users to manually type something in obviously). So when you tell LaunchBox where your RetroArch exe is, it automatically knows where the cores folder is because the cores folder can't change locations. From there, have LaunchBox read the file names (automatically add .dll to the end), then give users the option to pick the core name from the drop down, and have LaunchBox automatically insert it. I was thinking on the Associated Platforms page, a drop down box could be to the right of the command line parameters box (could stand to add that for the console name in the same area too, just to make things even easier, and have it only show names of consoles that are in your library, to help reduce error in here). If the drop down shows up empty, a reminder to the user that they need to download the cores from within RetroArch should be there too.

We could even potentially take this a step further, and allow users to save command line parameters as options. So most of the time, users change the command line on the main edit emulator screen, so it should be allowed to be saved and loaded there too, but it's helpful in all scenarios. Example: If I make the long line for Super Game Boy, which involves also putting the full path to the SGB or SGB2 rom, using the -L command, then --sgb subsystem, and even potentially a -c command after that, it would be awesome to be able to save that as a custom command. That could be very beneficial for other long or confusing emulator command lines.

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