Search alternate games on The Games Database

Issue #302 invalid
Psico Lock created an issue

When parsing info on the gamesdatabase only finds match on first name, Making useless the tons of alternate games, and there´s a lot of discussion about what may be the unique and first name. I have terrible discussions on other databases like gamefaqs or mobygames about the correct romanji adaptation of a japanese only game, the fanbase translated titles of games or euro-usa-jap totally diferent games. The difference about criteria about the first game is a mess on ALL databases including hyperlist names. The solution is made a good scrapper that search both, main name and alternates, With a good work (i´m contributing a lot on updating the games database) i can assure that after a little time we can have a perfect info scrapping in only one pass. At this moment (cross fingers) The games database is flexible about this and we can add many alternate names we want, like rom nom names, literally translated name, transltaed name, euro name etc.

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Thanks Oscar. The difficulty with this is that TheGamesDB's API, last I checked was a little bit wonky and had unfortunate limitations that got in the way of this. I'll leave this ticket here though so I can review.

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