BigBox: Double select sound bug with platform catagories

Issue #3032 new
Former user created an issue

Version 7.9 or latest beta as of date (same deal) Windows 7 Ultimate 64x Every time when page loading isn't completely done/transitioned

To reproduce/understand the bug, see:

A short video that clearly shows the issue. Just watch and listen to the double select-sound, which shouldn't happen, since I'm only clicking one time. Notice it happens when page hasn't loaded 100% and I press Enter. That seems to be the 100% repeatable thing about it. Anyway, nobody should have to pause between navigating the interface.

Ekstra thought:

Perhaps, the first select-sound is coming fronm the first page (Windows platfrom) and the second select-sound from Computers catagory. The issue is that BigBox accepts inputs during a screen transition.

Solution (suggestion):

Ignore inputs during a screen transition?

Minor/Major bug depending on your usage of BigBox. It's super annoying for me.

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