Parsing Data emumovies NES and Megadrive FAILS

Issue #304 resolved
Psico Lock created an issue

TITLE. No downloads. I suppose that´s a diferent name of platform on emumovies. The games database=Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Emumovies=NES The games database=Sega Mega Drive Emumovies=Genesis

Comments (8)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Oscar, parsing NES seems to work fine in my tests, can you re-test? I tested with the default NES platform name: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The other variations of that name should work as well.

    I am able to replicate the issue with Mega Drive, though. I'll have that fixed for the next beta.

  2. Psico Lock reporter

    Not fixed for nes. No videodownloads. I tested with the default NES platform name: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Megadrive working good.

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Don't really understand what we're doing differently for NES. I will test again, but I haven't yet been able to replicate the issue. NES seems to be working fine for me.

  4. Jason Carr repo owner

    Figured this out; had to do with Nintendo Famicom taking priority over NES. Fixed for 5.6-beta-9, which will be out later tonight. Thanks Oscar.

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