Steam: Only import certain custom categories

Issue #306 new
CriticalCid created an issue

I have nearly 1000 games on my Steam account (mostly because I bought a lot of game bundles like the Humble Bundles in the recent years). So you can imagine I have a lot of not so good games in my library I won’t ever play. To keep things organized I created a custom category where I put in all my games I care about (still nearly 600 games). So if I would import my steam games I would have 400+ games in LaunchBox that bloat my PC games database and wasting space on my harddrive (which would be even more if the steam video scraper is included in the future). Of course I could spent a lot of time deleting all the games I don’t want but when I want to integrate and scrap new steam games in my library they would reappear again. So that’s not an option for me. I would LOVE to have an option just to import certain custom categories from my steam account instead of everything.

TL;DR: Include an option to just import certain custom categories from a Steam account.

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