Select folders as game files (Higan compatibility)

Issue #309 new
Tony created an issue

Higan doesn't load a single file as a game. Instead, it loads a folder with the pseudo-extension ".sfc" appended to it. These folders are named after their respective games and could be used for scraping data (minus the pseudo-extension, of course). As Higan is the only 100% compatible SNES emulator (including the BSNES core of retroarch) and nearly the most accurate GBA emulator, the ability to run its library would be very helpful.

Comments (5)

  1. Max Payne

    Excellent. I wonder why Byuu decided to support files directly since he was reluctant from the beginning.

  2. Tony reporter

    Well, supporting the files directly is a little disingenuous description on my part. What he's essentially doing is having his import program dissect the rom at load time. So it's still getting integrated into the Higan file system, but you can start the chain reaction with the original rom now.

  3. Dave Davidson

    I would like to see this feature added as well. Currently the LaunchBox launcher supports the "File" variable, but having the option to break that into "ParentFolder" and "Filename" would be useful in a great number of situations, not just with Higan. Imagine a situation where a user wants to load a cheats file with their ROM (stored in the same subdirectory), or a savestate.

  4. Steven W. Dalton

    I'd absolutely use this too. For those who aren't familiar, Higan can run standard ROMs, but to patch and/or run Higan's imported ROMs you have to load the folder, not the file.

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