Launchbox Error

Issue #325 invalid
pentergun created an issue

Hey, i've been using LaunchBox for a while now & just recently bought the forever license and i'm really happy with it so far, but i've been having a problem from time to time where it corrupt my xml file so it deletes all the games i've put into it & have to re-do everything which is a real pain.

I didn't have this problem before i got the license tho so don't know if thats whats causing it? Ill put a picture of the error message i recieve when it does happend.

Comments (3)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi pentergun, I assume you're using version 5.5 and not the latest beta release? I believe the latest beta fixes these issues. Do note, though, that if your XML file ever gets corrupted, you never have to lose all your games. You can always restore a previous version from the Backups folder. :)

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi pentergun, you can upgrade to the beta releases just by checking the box in the options screen to upgrade to beta releases. Then just restart LaunchBox and you should be prompted to update.

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