Version and filename fields do not display correctly in Launchbox or Bigbox after consolodate

Issue #3250 new
Former user created an issue


Once consolidated, a game with 2 or more roms will not display the correct "version" field in the "play" menu where duplicates existed on import, instead it seemingly retains the old value. This menu populates from the "name" field under "addition apps" for the game. Also, the filename field does not change from the primary rom when scrolling up and down the "play" menu in big-box (display filename option must be checked) which would have been a potential workaround. The result is that the user has no option to distinguish between the two roms, despite being in different locations and being manually given different "version" metadata.

Real world useage:

I want consolidated games for bigbox but also to distinguish between my old roms and a newly added "no-intro" set in the play menu.

Steps to recreate:

1) have an existing rom set for a platform, wait 25 hours or manipulate the system clock ahead 1 day to make sorting easier if you are setting this up as a test.

2) import another rom set of the same platform with (some of) the same filenames with the option to "force duplicates" and to not "combine roms with the same name".

3) once imported you will have a list of games with duplicates, many with the same "version" information.

4) Sort by date added

5) select all the roms you just added

6) mass-edit to change the "version" field and replace the existing with "no-intro" (or something).

7) consolidate

8) note that both in bigbox and launchbox, the version does not show a "no-intro" in the dropdown from the play menu of one of the games that has a duplicate. Instead it shows the "version" that was scraped on import.

9) also note that when scrolling up and down the list under "play" in bigbox the filename doesn't change to indicate which rom is which (this would have been a potential workaround).

Expected behavior:

Would expect that after consolidation you have a choice of your old rom ("version" being (usa) or something) and your new rom ("version" being "no-intro") in bigbox. This version field has been deliberately edited by the user but was not considered by consolidate. As it stands they both appear with both the same version and so impossible to tell which is which in bigbox.

Suggested fix:

"name" field for "additional apps" on consolidate to pull from the existing "version" field not from the old metadata (or wherever it currently does). Alternatively display the rom path for "additional applications" when perusing the play menu for a game with duplicates in bigbox. Hotfix to update "name" field in "additional apps" where it currently is incorrect to pull from the version field (where metadata exists) would be highly appreciated!