Need Some Major Help!! I'm Emulator and ROM stupid!!

Issue #3270 new
James Waldo created an issue

Not sure what the error is, I'm just trying to put a hyperspin mame I downloaded into LB. When I click on a game, I get this error: LB version #7.10 Windows 10 I've only just started trying to get into retro games, so I'm 100% stupid when it comes to this stuff. The issue started after I tried to put mame into LB. When I click on a game, I get the below message. Again, if this is something basic and simple, I 100% apologize for my ignorance and stupidity. Too bad computer retro games weren't as easy as the Raspberry Pi. Thanks again.

Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'MainForm'.

App: LaunchBox Version: 7.10 Type: System.ObjectDisposedException Site: System.Object MarshaledInvoke(System.Windows.Forms.Control, System.Delegate, System.Object[], Boolean) Source: System.Windows.Forms

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args) at (<>c__DisplayClass143_0 ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.Forms.MainForm.<>c__DisplayClass143_0.<playButton_Click>b__1() at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Recent Log:

4:35:34 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 4:35:34 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 4:35:34 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 4:35:34 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 4:35:34 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 4:35:34 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 4:35:34 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 4:35:35 PM Music.Play Start 4:35:35 PM Music.Kill Start 4:35:35 PM Music.Kill Finished 4:35:35 PM Music.Play Empty Music Path 4:35:35 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Start 4:35:35 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 4:35:35 PM Music.Play Start 4:35:35 PM Music.Kill Start 4:35:35 PM Music.Kill Finished 4:35:35 PM Music.Play Empty Music Path 4:35:35 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Start 4:35:35 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 4:35:35 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 4:35:37 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 4:35:37 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 4:35:37 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 4:35:37 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 4:35:37 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 4:35:37 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 4:35:37 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 4:35:37 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 4:35:37 PM Exception

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