Autodownload of recommended emulators

Issue #3296 invalid
Psico Lock created an issue

Is very useful that we have our own repository of emulators and launchbox autodownload them and put in their folder. GameEx have an option to do this for example.

Comments (20)

  1. Lord Monkus

    This one gets dicey in legality as certain emulators do not allow their distribution with commercial products and this gets very close to that. We don't want to step on emulator devs toes.

  2. Psico Lock reporter

    It's more easy than that, some like retroarch allow others don't. Maybe it's better than just drop a good suggestion for user experience.

  3. Lord Monkus

    Retroarch does not allow its distribution with a commercial product, Jason has reached out to them to allow him to include it with Launchbox and they said no. It also varies by emulator, for example Snes9x doesn't allow it. Even though others may be doing this it doesn't make it ok and Jasons stance is to treat the emulator devs with respect and respect their wishes rather than go against them and step on their toes. I have talked to Jason about including Mame though since they do allow it and it is something that Jason might consider in the future.

  4. Psico Lock reporter

    Ok, but don't you think that the better workaround is include the possible instead of rejecting it completely?

    We could manage it promoting a external plugin?

  5. Jason Carr repo owner

    As much as I'd love to do this, I don't believe there's any way we could ever pull it off. Too many legal issues and general problems.

  6. Psico Lock reporter

    Well as i understand the problem is about the comertial license of Launchbox, to bypass this you could make another external tool named emulator manager or emulator packer that only creates emulator packs for launchbox, At least we could add the needed emulator with only one click. In this case is not inside launchbox, neither dowloading, just a easy way to import emulators to use it on lauchbox, in the same way we import roms? What do you think?

  7. Psico Lock reporter

    Ok, is possible to create something like that? I've seen many websites that make redistribution of emulators. I don't know if they are respecful to the license of emulators. It is legal to create an app like that to just download and unpack emulators into a folder?

  8. Lord Monkus

    If someone else wants to make a program or plugin they can do it. It just won't an official Launchbox thing to do.

  9. Psico Lock reporter

    In the same way that you are not obliged to implement all the suggestions, I do not think it is necessary to use the typical annoying tone of "you fool, don't understand, do not be overwhelming, it is a simple suggestion and a contribution of ideas to implement something that Jason himself says that I would love it. I have repeated many times that I am aware of the work involved in each improvement and of the problems that may arise, adopting that way of addressing those who suggest something when it is difficult, the only thing that is achieved is that in the end people do not suggest anything.

  10. DOS76

    you are free to suggest anything but when the idea is rejected especially by the only guy who could implement it why would you keep going on about it instead of just saying oh well I guess they don't want to do that and move on.

  11. DOS76

    I've made suggestions in the past that have gotten no traction or were flat out rejected and I don't go on about them I just accept that not everything I think is a good idea is something everyone else has to think is a good idea. The squeaky wheel doesn't always get the oil sometimes it just gets replaced.

  12. Psico Lock reporter

    @DOS76 . I've spend thousands of hours the last years contributing data and art to the launchbox database for free, just to share my passion. The minimum I expect is a respectful treatment when i make a suggestion or talking about walkarounds and other stuff.

  13. DOS76

    what ever I can't coddle your ego bro you made your suggestion it was rejected and that is pretty much the end of the story if you didn't keep going on about it no one (I'm assuming you mean me) would have disrespected you to begin with. Its great you share with the DB but you do that of your own free will that doesn't entitle you to anything. You originally made this request almost a year ago now someone closes it and you want to come on and start shit over it guess it would have been better if they just kept ignoring it

  14. Psico Lock reporter

    @DOS76 I do not get any benefit (and I do not want it) for all that work when I make contributions. As I say the minimum that I hope if I make some contribution is respect and education. I do not think that someone who spends hours of his time in finding a box impossible to find on the internet and spends as many in improving it with photoshop to enrich the database. That he continually explores possibilities to improve the launchbox and his community, contributing ideas and generating debate, must be answered with the same attitude as if a 6-year-old child were asked to ask for a ps4 emulator.

  15. DOS76

    I don't think anyone here treated you in that manner at all. You are the one who after being told no that keeps persisting which in my opinion is very rude and aggressive behavior. So whatever this is my last post I'm not going to keep explaining myself over and over. You have a nice day.

  16. Psico Lock reporter

    Silence someone by disqualifying him when you simply exhaust yourself, if that is aggressive behavior. And there are few more aggressive things to point out to your interlocutor as someone who simply does not understand what they are repeating. It is already an unhealthy behavior if you address children, much more if you address an adult.

  17. Lord Monkus

    Ok stop it now, this is your only warning on the matter. Jason has said it won't be done for legal reasons which is all the reasons he needs.

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