User Created Content Autodownloaded with Launchbox with repository

Issue #3305 open
Psico Lock created an issue

We have a service inside Launchbox to download only one type of user created content, platform videos, we could do it for all the user created content like

Big Box Custom Themes Big Box Sound Packs Big Box Startup Videos Big Box Startup Videos Plugins


Comments (7)

  1. Psico Lock reporter

    Read again. Launchbox can manage and download theme videos for platforms, but doesn't have the same to download sound themes and visual themes. Another rushed cleaning of tickets without analizing a bit.

  2. Lord Monkus

    Your issue lacked any detailed information, I even showed this to the other mods and they couldn't make any sense of it either. Maybe it makes sense in your head but to everyone else it means nothing.

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