Game Details Not Remembering Position

Issue #3313 new
Adrian Stasky created an issue

The version of LaunchBox you are using Version 7.11-beta-12

The version of Windows you are using Windows 10 1703 15063.540

How often the issue occurs Every time I close and open the application

Steps to reproduce the issue if you are able to reproduce it I adjust the width of the Game Details (the righthand pane) in LaunchBox to a specific size. Closing the Game Details and opening the Game Details remembers position, but closing the LaunchBox application does not. The next time I open the application up, the Game Details reverts to the default size and I have to resize it again. This started happening in the 7.11 builds and I thought it might be a beta issue, but it has not corrected in subsequent builds (including beta-12), so I am putting in this case.

The complete error that shows up in LaunchBox, if there is one (with all error text) No error shows.

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