CPU spikes every few seconds that can cause stutters

Issue #3345 resolved
Tas Akri created an issue

The issue is that when the program is open, it makes small jumps in the CPU usage every steady amount of seconds (about 6). This causes minor or major performance issues depending on your system. On a moderate system these CPU spikes translate into noticeable stutters.

The CPU spikes occur the moment you open the program and continue even while idle. Also, after some normal use the CPU spikes may become more intense.

Tested a few different versions (between 7.8 to the latest 7.11 beta) in various systems. The behavior is the same in every setup so i assume every one should be able to reproduce it.

Comments (10)

  1. Imgema


    Hi, when you say newer builds you mean future builds? Cause, i just downloaded the latest beta after i saw this message and i see no difference (still same spikes and stutters).

  2. Lord Monkus

    I am talking about current LaunchboxNext builds, it has very significant performance improvements. There is some image caching after updating but once it is done performance is very smooth.

  3. Imgema

    Ok, thanks for the clarification. Indeed LaunchboxNext does not have these CPU spikes and CPU usage is always zero when idle (after caching is complete). Any chance for this fix to find it's way to the regular Launchbox program?

  4. Lord Monkus

    The regular Launchbox will be removed and Launchbox Next will be replacing it once it is has 100% of the old Launchbox features. There is only a few more things left to implement so it shouldn't be too much longer. Many people, including myself use LB Next exclusively in desktop mode now as it is.

  5. Imgema

    Ok thanks for the response, One last thing if you can answer, will Launchbox Next have an option to look more like the "old" Launchbox? I mean without the frames around the box art and other things?

  6. Lord Monkus

    The frames around the box art and spacing is on the short to do list along with LB Next being themeable so people can customize how it looks.

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