Suggestions - Sorting out, Music, Religious Verses

Issue #3379 invalid
Former user created an issue

Hi there. I began using your software today (version 7.11), and I have several suggestions you might appreciate :)

  • Sorting out: I love being able to sort out by name, like most people out there. However, at the same time, if I have a bunch of Batman games imported from Steam... uh oh, they are sorted by name (great!), but not by the release year. Since those Batman games are part of a series, I would like to be able to subdivide by the year the batman games were released.

  • Music: I saw you have a music option at the bottom... but nothing indicates how add the music. Assuming this is added by another software, which one? (I heard it was something called emumovies - no idea what that even is, nor is there any place that lets me know how to get there). I suggest adding a tooltip with a howto, AND also adding the possibility of adding music from our computers instead. I don't have a music or video account anywhere (like most people), but like most people, I would love the possibility of adding it from my PC.

  • Religious verses (website/software): You're Christian (great!), but there's definitely some people that are feeling uneasy about seeing religious verses from a religion other than theirs, or people that are Atheist/Agnostic. Adding an option on the website would do wonders (a new profile tab perhaps? Allowing users to remove the verses). And the same thing for the software as well.

Actually, I would even add on to this suggestion the following: - Add the option I mentioned, as well as add the option of seeing verses from the other big religions (so, from the Qu'ran and the Tanakh for example).

Comments (4)

  1. malazancommander

    I have been following this particular thread, as those were great suggestions. Considering that the first two were never addressed (at least, not to my knowledge), I don't understand how the topic's status has been marked as "invalid". I legit had to edit the titles of some games in particular series.

    If you take the Batman series for example, some of the games are out of order when you arrange by series. I legit have something like "Batman 01: Arkham...", "Batman 02: Arkham..." etc. And that is the ugliest thing I can do, but it has to be done rolls eyes.

    And still nothing about the music. I still don't understand what that's about. As for suggestion in the initial post is a great suggestion. Not addressed in this version it seems.

    If it wasn't for those flaws still out there, I would have purchased a license already, like a lot of people out there. But because those flaws have not been spoken about, addressed or even considered, I have to use the official launchers like Steam, Origin, Uplay, ARC, Battlenet and Galaxy.

    Do you know why I seldom buy games and DLC when they are released? Because the initial release is an incomplete game, only completed with the DLC. So, I wait till a sale (at what I consider an actual price for a complete game). My point is: if I am not willing to buy an incomplete game, why would I buy an incomplete software?

    I love the idea behind the software, but it has to be released in a complete format. At the very least, in a format that makes sense. Where, when categorize something, it has to do it from a gamer perspective. But, it just isn't at this point.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    The instructions ask that each request be in a separate thread so that we can easily track them. Feel free to create new threads if you'd like malazancommander.

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