BigBox Mode: Force fanart if screenshots as background is enabled (Image Priorities for BigBox)

Issue #338 resolved
CriticalCid created an issue

When the option to use screenshots as background is activated in BigBox Mode it shows random screenshots or fanart. But I would like it to show ONLY fanart if fanart exists for the game and that it only shows me screenshots in the background when there’s no fanart available.

It would also be nice to have the option to deselect Cart/CD images as backgrounds if the screenshot option is enabled so it would only show real screenshots which are actually from ingame.

Comments (4)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi Cid, I think ultimately we need to revamp the images system to support all the types of images properly (instead of throwing them all in screenshots). Then maybe we can set up priorities and such for the image types.

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