Features ideas

Issue #3385 new
Former user created an issue

Hi, I have some ideas for Launchbox and BigBox, wich will affect gaming performance and compatibility.

  • Currently there is general option "Minimize LaunchBox when launching games". Ok, that is fine for some users, but Launchbox/BigBox still consumes around 200MB of RAM and variably few % of processor usage (in my case) while playing games, wich have some impact on stuttering and loading in new or modded games. My proposal is to add option to switch Launchbox / Bigbox to some lite mode or background agent before launching game and than scanning for this game (process) close and next switch back to normal mode (automatically, or when maximizing window). Background agent like this may consume at most few MB of RAM and I believe also processor usage.

  • Next idea: when you looking at processes in Windows Task manager there are options to change priority and afinity of running process. So if we give higher priority to launched game and also set lower priority to all other apps this will give maximum performance for game we are currently playing. And for afinity some older games can run only on single core processor so this may improve compatibility.

  • And most important is to give these options for every game individually, because for many cases all of this simply isn't necessary.

I would be very happy if these improvements were implemented in both Launchbox/Bigbox, because I currently prefer just use desktop shortcuts for some HW dependant games and setting things manually for every time, which is impractical.

With best regards Lukas Geryk

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