BigBox: Mark Media for Purge?

Issue #3510 new
EazyCheeze1978 created an issue

For some games using "high-level" emulators (Dolphin, PCSX2 etc.) videos may exist on EmuMovies which were taken using an older version of the emulator. This sounds like an EmuMovies problem of course but it's with BB/LB, I promise :)

Now, these videos may manifest issues such as slowdown or graphical glitches which are not present in the later versions of the emulators which avid LB/BB users should have. It's possible, then, that newer versions of the videos in question may exist up on the EmuMovies server.

So, what I am suggesting is that an option be included for BigBox (as we only really see the full glory of media in BigBox; perhaps also have a confirmation) to mark a category of media for a selected game (not just a video, as other things like this may exist) for purge or deletion upon exiting from BB (either back to LB or just to the desktop). Then, perhaps the next time LB is loaded, have a dialog come up saying what media were deleted in the last BB session and offering to check for a new version of that media.

OR: If there were a way to compare CRC's/hashes from the local copy of the video with the remote one on EmuMovies' servers, the deletion step may not be necessary if the video has not been updated after all.

GREAT work on this, Jason and team. LOVE it.

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