BigBox Sleep option when locked.

Issue #3603 new
Former user created an issue

I've been a Launchbox premium user for a year and first wanted to say that your software blows my mind!

I use it for a home built arcade machine, and it is a hit when my friends come over with their kids. I love that I can "lock" BigBox to prevent them from messing up settings, etc.

The way I like to "turn off" the arcade by using the sleep feature in Big Box. It's super slick, as when you want to "turn it on," you just push a button on the arcade and you're already in the front-end (I allow windows to wake without a login/password).

The problem comes with the fact that you can't put the computer to sleep while Big Box is "locked." This means to put it to sleep, you must unlock Big Box. This then means that when you wake up the machine, it is still unlocked.

My request is simply for there to an option to have the sleep function enabled when locked. Then my arcade will be perfect, the universe will be balanced, and you will be the one to thank for it!

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