Resized columns in Launchbox title view are reset to default every time view loads

Issue #3618 new
Former user created an issue

When the title view data grid loads, column widths are automatically sized to the width of the longest (i.e., “widest”) string value in that column. For instance, if you have a game with a super-long title, the column is widened to match. This pushes most columns off-screen to the right, so that it is no longer visible without horizontally scrolling to the right, or resizing the leftmost columns to be smaller.

I typically resize leftmost columns like title, developer, and publisher to be narrower, so that I can also see information like genre and release date on the screen simultaneously with the title. (If I use the horizontal scroll bar to see genre and release date, but can no longer see the title, then the info loses its context and is No longer useful.) However, Launchbox doesn’t retain these new column widths, and sets them back to default every time the view loads.

My rationale for classifying this as a big and not a feature request, is that Launchbox allows users to set their column width preferences initially (which is the feature), but then forgets those preferences.

Windows version: 10, all Windows Updates applied as of 11/29/2017. Launchbox version: latest beta as of 11/29/2017. (I keep Windows and Launchbox current since purchasing the product, and this has always been its behavior.) Steps to reproduce: 1. Load Launchbox and switch to Title View (Ctrl-Alt-T). 2. Resize any colum (e.g. title, publisher) to make it narrower. 3. In left navigation bar, select another view (e.g. another platform or playlist). 4. The column sizes are reset to the default widths.

Comments (1)

  1. Erling Rasmussen

    Yes, I agree, a bug it is.

    I’m premium user, but only views my games in Launchbox Listview. Scrolling down and looking for something makes it impossible to see what data I have in next columns, when the width is dynamic.

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