More Information! + some bugs`?

Issue #364 invalid
pentergun created an issue

Hey, while working on my LaunchBox setup i kinda figured it could use a bit more add-able information tabs for the games you've added to it, especially some i'd really like to see get added to LaunchBox.

First off, i just wanna say, what i'm about to say beneath this is pure suggestions on what you could add based on frustrations & general ideas i've found while editing through alot of games, what you decide to do with this text is solely up to you as the developer ofcourse!

  1. We already got the "Series" box in the info for each game, but so far i've been only putting in the franchise instead of actual series, lets take Final Fantasy or the Batman games as an example: Final Fantasy XII up to XII: Lightning Returns, is one serie as it is the same story, with the same characters, while Final Fantasy Tactics is a completely different serie. All the batman games togheter does not add up a series, thats a franchise, while if u take the Batman Arkham games, those alone would add up to make the Arkham Series!

Now what i would really like to see would be a franchise box beside the series box so you can add both of them to the information for the game.

  1. Now i'm a person that buys alot of game bundles & get in on giveaways, so that means i get alot of duplicates, some games get automatically added to my account which means i'm stuck with 2 of the same game.

Currently when you try to add in more than 1 "Source" like you do with genres, it dosen't say its from 2 different sources if you search up "Source" in as an example, Big Box. Its rather set up like this:

Steam Origin Steam; Origin

They don't get separated as 2 different sources, what i would like to see there is that you get the ability to put in more sources & that it get separated like with "Genre", that is actually something that would be nice to see with most info boxes to be honest, especially "Status"!

  1. Clickable Links in "Note" tab

  1. I'm sure you already know this, but in Big Box, currently when you click in on a game, you can't see all the information for the game, the biggest problem there would be whats written in the "Note" tab as what is written there is cut short & dosen't show up in Big Box

So maybe being able to scroll down or click on the text to get up a window with the rest of the text written there, what sounds best in my opinion based on the design of Big Box would being able to scroll down

  1. "Release Date" & "Last Played" Being able to write in the date instead of having to search it in to the correct date & click on them would make it alot easier for people to work faster on their games, after a couple houndred games adding info to them, having to look through to find the correct date turns into a real pain.

So it takes of a burden for ppl if you could add a feature where you can type it in or copy paste the date in, i like the date search that is already there, but that alone without the option to type it in is kinda bad if i'm gonna be completely honest, especially when you gotta edit alot of games

  1. Now i'm not saying you should make it alot easier, cuz it dosen't need to be, but alot of people prefer things to be easy, and its certainly good to have some spots easier than others when you edit through your games, but one thing that should be a part of LaunchBox is that you should be able to add more pictures at the same time from your own folders, instead of only 1 at the time.

While it gives more order, & better positioning in where you want the pictures to be, its also ALOT slower if you got a bunch of pictures to be added, & you gotta do the same thing over and over again for alot of games.

  1. Better Mouse usage in Big Box, currently you gotta double click if you want to go anywhere, & its easy to conflict the keyboard use with the mouse use:

First thing is that you probly is better off just having to click 1 time instead of double clicking everywhere

If you start out using the keyboard when going into Big Box, & then switch over to mouse, the last thing you had selected with the keyboard is automatically the same as where your mouse pointer is located, if you click anywhere in Big Box with the mouse after using the arrow keys to move around, last thing selected with them will be the only thing you will be able to enter with the mouse until you quit Big Box again.

  1. Instead of the normal mouse pointer, i think there should be a customized mouse pointer for being inside Big Box, much like what you see in games!

  1. Instead of LaunchBox automatically switching to the next closest name when searching for information regarding the game on first add up when it can't find the right game, I think it should cancel the lookup for info instead of giving false info & completely change the name.

I've multiple times experienced the confusion over what game this is in my LaunchBox as the info setup for the game i added is a completely different game from what I originally added

I'd much rather manually add the information rather than lose track of what i have in my library!

  1. In Big Box, instead of having text that says "Start Music" or "Start Video" in the left menu for the game, I think it would look better If you had buttons for it on the right side togheter with the information instead.

  1. The ability to add more music & videos for each game rather than just 1 for each!

In the end its probly alot more suggestions i could come with, but i'm gonna stop here :)

I really hope you take a good look at these & take them into suggestion for future updates, cuz i'd really love to see them in LaunchBox. But you should do what you feel is the right path for LaunchBox either way!

Anywayz, thanks for taking your time to read this, Keep up the good work! :P

Comments (6)

  1. Jason Carr repo owner

    Hi pentergun, I hate to ask, but can you put each of these in its own ticket? That way we can track and discuss each individual issue and they won't get lost in the mix.

  2. Jason Carr repo owner

    Thanks for doing all that pentergun, some great stuff here, so thanks. I'm going to mark this one as invalid since they've been separated out.

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