Request: Retro Achievements indicator and filter

Issue #3674 resolved
Smannesman created an issue

IMO it would be nice if in Launchbox and BigBox there was an indication if achievements were supported for certain titles. An icon that floats over the cover or just a simple 'Achievements: Yes' in the statistics/description.

Also a way to filter games using the same boolean logic into playlist(s). Although for there to be multiple playlists you would probably need to be able to select multiple criteria such as 'Platform: Super Nintendo' and 'Achievements: Yes'.

Comments (5)

  1. chad briggs

    I love the new achievement feature. I would also like to see a filter option created for games with achievements.

  2. Dave Noel

    Although this would be a really neat feature and one that I'll vote for implementing, I can see how this would be really difficult to pull off with any sort of automation. RetroAchievements would need to have some sort of API available to let external applications call their database for a current list of games that support achievements/leaderboards. I don't know if that's something that's in place but if isn't not then I doubt it'll happen as it would depend on a ton of manual data entry.

  3. Xeinok

    I would REALLY love to be able to sort/filter/search by Retro Achievements on Launchbox.
    Would be extremely cool to be able to see and sort by point value of games (regular points and retro points (blue vs. white “true value” points)) as well.

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