execption error

Issue #3690 resolved
Kevin Horsten created an issue

LB/BB latest 7.15 Windows 10 latest updates

Booting straight into BB (BB as shell) - no problem

Exiting BB, starting explorer shell then launching BB it plays the intro vid and then gets stuck, when pressing alt-tab I can see launchbox startup vid window. When closing that window I get the error below. Launching BB again same thing. Starting launchbox then switching to BB I had no problem.

The Application object is being shut down.

Version: 7.15 Type: System.InvalidOperationException Site: System.IO.Packaging.Package GetResourcePackage(System.Uri) Source: PresentationFramework

at System.Windows.Application.GetResourcePackage(Uri packageUri) at System.Windows.Application.GetResourceOrContentPart(Uri uri) at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Object component, Uri resourceLocator) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.BigBox.App.InitializeComponent() at () at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.BigBox.App.Main()

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12:29:34 AM Exception

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