Feature Request -Bulk import by csv

Issue #3725 new
ed created an issue

Hi, I've a large collection, not all installed at once, so I'd like to do a bulk csv import rather than entering each title with CTRL-N to the library - pure laziness tbh. Any chance of including this?

Thanks, Ed

Comments (3)

  1. gt46l

    Not sure what you mean "not all installed at once", but you are aware of the Rom Import tool yes? If you had a folder full of files with 0 size, they would still all import using the tool, and then if you had them offline but wanted to bring some online, all you'd have to do is move out the blank files with the actual files. Worst case scenario you have to do this import process for each system, but thats nothing more than a few clicks for each. If you are wondering how you might create a copy of all the files you have offline, its seriously simple if you know dos batch:

    @echo on
    set SourceDir=c:\My-Offline\Game\Directory
    set DestDir=c:\My-Online\Game\Directory
    rem change the *.zip to your rom file extension or just remove the \*.zip altogether
    for /f  "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d %SourceDir%\*.zip') do (
        type nul >%DestDir%\%%a 


  2. ed reporter

    Thanks for replying,

    I've had a look at that feature and can't see how it can import the list. The games aren't present on my system or drive - they're in my GOG account until I decide to install and play.

    My main reason for keeping track of these is to make sure I don't duplicate my purchases between GOG and Steam.



  3. gt46l

    To use the import feature you need to have a physical file on your hard drive for the rom you want added in LB. If you don't physically have the file, you can just create a blank file named what the rom file WOULD be named if you had downloaded it and put in that directory. You can just physically go to that directory and create a text file and name it MYGAME.ZIP and then use the import process and it will pull in that game. The file doesn't need to be real. The only issue is that its kind of pointless to import games you don't have files for, because if you don't know the exact filename you will to have manually right click on each game in LB and update the filename property once you eventually do download it. That you can't get around regardless of how this is accomplished, bulk import or workaround.

    BTW, if you just copied and pasted all the "filenames" that you'd like to create into a text file(one per line), you could still use the script i created above to create all those blank files for you, you'd just need to change this line from:

    for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d %SourceDir%*.zip') do (


    for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (myRomsList.txt) do (

    where myRomsList.txt is the name of the text file where you put all the filenames you want to create. You'd need to have that list in the same directory your batch file is in, or you'd need to add a path in front of the filename e.g. c:\MyPath\myRomsList.txt

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