Listen/change songs/ and enter/ exit MusicBox in Lanchbox and applications via hot keys

Issue #3764 new
Former user created an issue

I love listening to music during gaming sessions. But I often have trouble fighting all these applications on my computer with the alt+esc key just to get to ITunes. I have to set up a song playlist going in before I start playing or I have to change the songs by pausing the game and then pressing a whole bunch of silly inputs on my keyboard. It's a hassle.

I was thinking recently: what if there was a hot key to change the song in music box while running launchbox or an application out of launchbox? What if there was a button you could push to exit into Musicbox, select a song, and then and the press the button again to get back in the game instantly? No other service offers that, and this could totally get people on board to buy Musicbox subscriptions (which is always a plus)! Imagine listening to your favorite tunes while browsing your favorite games. Imagine rocking out with Rockman, banging to some metal while playing some Metal Gear, listening to soul while playing Soul Calibur.

Okay I'll stop.

Anyways, I thought it was a great idea. Keep up the great work.

-- User: kerszr

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