Unable to login to EmuMovies

Issue #3795 closed
Former user created an issue

LB 8.0 beta 3 / Win 10 (x64)

Hi there, just scraped some data from EmuMovies a few hours ago with beta 3 (Lifetime Member) and now LB says it can't connect. Nothing has changed - Login+PW all stayed the same.

Login to Website: successful Login to FTP via Total Commander FTP Plugin: successful Login via "Download Metadata and Media: failed

Any Idea why?

Thanks in advance. Gordon

Comments (6)

  1. nilsbyte

    Did you choose a password with special characters in it? It was the case with my password and login failed, too. I changed the password to one with lowercase and uppercase letters and numbers. After the password change, I was able to login to EmuMovies in LaunchBox.

  2. Christian

    Ticket is over two years old and is 10 versions behind. At the moment we have no reported issues with EmuMovies so will close the ticket.

  3. nilsbyte

    This is an issue with 11.8 – please confirm by using a EmuMovies password with special chars in it…….

  4. Christian

    If you are experiencing a new issue then please create a new ticket. The details you are giving to your issue is not at all related to the details given in this ticket.

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