"unknown Entry type 6" when launching roms after metadata boxart update in 7.16

Issue #3800 resolved
MrArcade created an issue

*unknown entry type 6 in SYSCONF [IPLTID@1818}*

Jason, please take a look and help??? getting this above error in a popup when launching roms...happens after doing a box-art and metadata update....after i say ok, the rom launches as normal.....

the only way to fix this is by replacing both the metadata and data folders with the previous versions before any metadata update has taken place.... THANK GOD i have a backup installation that i can use to fix this..... I believe the metadata update package is somehow breaking the xml code in the data folder.... i'm not a programmer so i have no clue.....

My install is fine provided i do not try to update box-art and metadata... if i do so it breaks the launching of games with the mentioned error... screenshot attached.... I tested this on 3 launch-box backups and can replicate the error on all 3 independent launch-box installs.

Comments (2)

  1. MrArcade reporter

    update.... I discovered the sys error is generated by the dolphin emulator,.... apparently something changed in the code with launch-box and the way it handles the hand-off to the emulator that causes this issue.... ive been using Dolphin build 5.0 build 5419 for over a year without issue... this being saud, i updated the dolphin build and the error is now gone..... i still think this is something that needs to be looked at however, since it is likely to happen again as both applications continue to evolve...

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