Feature Request - EmuMovie Name Field

Issue #3801 new
Former user created an issue


As a user I want to be able to sync with EmuMovies, even when I choose or have opted to go with the Launchbox naming convention for my Rom File.

Core Issue:

Occasionally some games are not found when scraping Emumovies, and in order to find them we need to edit the name of our rom, search and sync, then rename our rom back. It would be nice to tell the database the magic value that we the user thought synced the best for that game, so if we chose to do a mass update again, it would find this value.


Add a new field called "Scrape Title" somewhere or additionally to a new tab called "Naming", and move "Sort Title" also to this tab:

  1. The initial value of "Scrape Title" is NUL:L.
  2. If the value is null in "Scrape Title" when images are being scraped they would use "Title" to collect.
  3. If the value is filled in "Scrape Title" when images are being scraped they would use "Scrape Title" to collect.

Additional Concerns:

  • If you choose the method to make "Title" and "Scrape Title" both populate on the initial record creation, then an option to do this for all current entries (before implementing this feature should also occur.) This was my reasoning for suggesting NULL for the initial value.

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