More than one music and video track

Issue #385 new
pentergun created an issue

Continuation of PT.10

  1. The ability to add more music & videos for each game rather than just 1 for each!

In the end its probly alot more suggestions i could come with, but i'm gonna stop here :)

I really hope you take a good look at these & take them into suggestion for future updates, cuz i'd really love to see them in LaunchBox. But you should do what you feel is the right path for LaunchBox either way!

Anywayz, thanks for taking your time to read this, Keep up the good work! :P

Comments (7)

  1. CriticalCid

    I highly agree with this! But maybe you should change the titles of your tickets to your actual suggestion so the community and Jason can easily see what the ticket is all about. Jason tries to add the requests with the highest up votes first, so if you want that other people do up vote your tickets you should make the titles clear for everyone.

  2. pentergun reporter

    would have been an idea i guess, didn't think about it if i'm gonna be honest due to I originally made another ticket which he wanted me to separate into more parts, ill try find a more suited name for them i guess, ty for telling me :P

  3. Jason Carr repo owner

    Just a matter of putting an m3u playlist file into the music file path instead of a music file directly. Currently there's no controls to move between tracks but they will play in order.

  4. peterbehere

    Don't forget to click that RANDOM order button before you save the playlist!!

    That will play the music at random instead of in order, of course. =D

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