Launch And Delete - Testing ROMs

Issue #3867 new
Former user created an issue

Launchbox version 7.16 Windows 10

The issue just happened once, so far.

Was launching ROMs then deleting ROMs them from within Launchbox that did not work, with Retroarch 1.70

The given key was not present in the dictionary.

App: LaunchBox Version: 7.16 Type: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException Site: System.Object MarshaledInvoke(System.Windows.Forms.Control, System.Delegate, System.Object[], Boolean) Source: System.Windows.Forms

at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args) at (<>c__DisplayClass142_0 ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Desktop.Forms.MainForm.<>c__DisplayClass142_0.<playButton_Click>b__1() at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Recent Log:

7:27:02 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 7:27:02 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 7:27:02 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 7:27:02 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 7:27:02 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 7:27:02 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 7:27:02 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 7:27:02 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 7:27:02 PM Music.Play Start 7:27:02 PM Music.Kill Start 7:27:02 PM Music.Kill Finished 7:27:02 PM Music.Play Empty Music Path 7:27:02 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Start 7:27:02 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke 7:27:07 PM Music.Pause Start 7:27:08 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 7:27:08 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 7:27:08 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 7:27:08 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 7:27:08 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 7:27:08 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 7:27:08 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 7:27:08 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 7:27:08 PM Music.Prepare Start 7:27:08 PM Music.Kill Start 7:27:08 PM Music.Kill Finished 7:27:08 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Start 7:27:08 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke 7:27:15 PM Music.Pause Start 7:27:16 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 7:27:16 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 7:27:16 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 7:27:16 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 7:27:16 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 7:27:16 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 7:27:16 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 7:27:16 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 7:27:16 PM Music.Prepare Start 7:27:16 PM Music.Kill Start 7:27:16 PM Music.Kill Finished 7:27:16 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Start 7:27:16 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke 7:27:23 PM Music.Pause Start 7:27:24 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Start 7:27:24 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailRating 7:27:24 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailFileName 7:27:24 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailCustomFields 7:27:24 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailLastPlayed 7:27:24 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailNotes 7:27:24 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails Before ShowDetailDates 7:27:24 PM GameDetailsGui.RedrawDetails End 7:27:24 PM Music.Play Start 7:27:24 PM Music.Kill Start 7:27:24 PM Music.Kill Finished 7:27:24 PM Music.Play Empty Music Path 7:27:24 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Start 7:27:24 PM Music.NotifyTrackList Invoke 7:27:27 PM Exception

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