Separate "Download an update" & "Apply update" functions.

Issue #3871 new
Mithrot created an issue

Version = 7.16 Windows = Win10 Home Often = Today Steps = Install and boot up BigBox when an update is available. Switch to Desktop ver and see it update without your consent.

I am unbelievably pissed right now. I had to nuke my previous install of LB because certain updates broke it for whatever reason- so fine I spend the time to reinstall it fresh instead of spending forever fixing it. Guess what? The newest update came out on BigBox and asked me to update. I said no. I then had to go fix something and switched to Desktop mode. It THEN applied the update unilaterally without my consent.

This is bullshit. It's one thing to have LB download updates by default to keep everyone up-to-to-date, but its something else entirely to apply an update even when I said no. Why even ask me if this application is going to do it anyways?

I want LB to separate "download an update in advance" from "applying an update on startup" to avoid this situation from happening again. I also want these update confirmations to be tied both to LB and BB so they don't do their own thing without my consent again.

Thanks in advance.

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