Remove bible verses from launchbox

Issue #3920 wontfix
Luis Manuel Sánchez Pérez created an issue

I figured that there are some biblic verses in launchbox, (Help>about) i don´t have any problem if Jason Carr is a religious person. But Launchbox is not a church to predicate, it´s a game´s launcher, (and yes, I pay for it). So please, consider to remove this religious propaganda, it´s very offensive for me at least (And i´m not the only one as I see:

PS: I don't want to be rude, so, sorry if it sounds like that, English is not my mother language, and I don´t know how to express myself better.

Comments (8)

  1. Luis Manuel Sánchez Pérez reporter

    I consider that at least, must be added an option to enable/disable this if you want.

    PS: Not to mention the daily and unwanted connection to "" database...

  2. Sean Goheen

    I'm sorry, but I have to stand behind the majority of the people in the post you linked. There are a lot of companies that do similar things, (Chick-fil-a, In-N-Out Burger, Marriott, Interstate Batteries, Hobby Lobby, Forever 21, just to name a few...) and I don't see anything wrong with a small token of the principles that a company is founded upon being a part of what they do. If you are so opposed to such a small gesture, you don't have to purchase from them, but to be honest, that's pretty shallow and intolerant... Everyone has the right to express their beliefs in whatever way they choose, as long as it isn't disrupting other people. And you can't really call adding a scripture onto the bottom of a bag or into a dialog box that few people will even open disruptive... It saddens me how much intolerance has been coming out of people in the name of tolerance lately...

  3. Sean Goheen

    Just so you are aware, the moderator that closed your topic said them-self that they are an atheist in the first post you linked, so you can't really call that intolerance. They were keeping the peace by closing a topic they felt would likely get out of hand, (Topics like this other places often get out of hand and descend into a bunch of ranting and name calling...) and still gave you somewhere else to address your concerns in a way that was more appropriate, if they were truly being intolerant, they would not have given you another place to voice your concerns...

    Now, I could understand your concerns if this was a popup in the application that you had to close or even if it was in the main application window. However to ask for a setting to turn off something in a dialog that no-one needs to visit to use the application is kind of absurd. If you don't want to see it, don't open it. It's the equivalent of asking In-N-Out Burger or Forever 21 to offer a set of bags without a scripture on the bottom for customers that ask for one, if you don't want to see it, don't look at the bottom of their bags... Also asking someone not to display their beliefs in such an insignificant way is considered to be offensive to many people. That's why I said asking for it was intolerant, because you can ALREADY avoid seeing it in your usage of the application, yet you don't seem to think that that is enough...

    Now, a reasonable request would have been to not connect to Bible Gateway until the About dialog is opened. I can understand if the application makes a request to a religious website that you may not want that on your network, even though I wouldn't really care about it myself.

    At the end of the day, while what you are asking for is a simple request in theory, it adds unnecessary feature bloat, unnecessary code complexity, no value to the majority of users, and could easily take more then an hour to properly implement, for something that can easily be avoided by just not opening the About dialog...

    My suggestion to you, if this REALLY bothers you that much, would be to close this issue and open a new feature suggestion, with a low or trivial priority (Because since it isn't something that the majority of users care about, it isn't going to be higher then that, you are only the second person to even bring it up...) asking that connecting to Bible Gateway not be done until the About dialog is opened, then just never open the About dialog... Even then, I wouldn't expect him to do it, it may not be as trivial as you think, and it would be taking time away from adding features or fixing bugs that more people care about, while only providing you with a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that there isn't anything on your computer talking to a religious website that you don't agree with... That's not really a very great reason to do it, but it IS a reasonable thing to ask for, unlike a setting to turn off something that you can already avoid.

    Now, I have laid out pretty clearly what happened with your post (I don't want you to be unduly upset with the moderators for doing their job), why I don't think adding a setting is reasonable, what I do think is a reasonable thing to ask for instead, and what I think is the best way to go about asking for that. I don't think anything more then that belongs in the issue tracker, and I don't have anything more that needs to be said, so unless you have a specific technical/implementation question about this, this will be my last comment on this topic, I hope you understand.

  4. Luis Manuel Sánchez Pérez reporter

    Maybe the moderator was atheist, but he looks in first place for the forum priorities, and sorry but I feel like a censorship by closing the topic. I don´t know why the topic can get out of hand. I always have spoken with politely and only asked for include an easy feature, and sorry, but spend an hour to implement a button to enable/disable a text, it´s very exaggerated (I have programming knowledge).

    They offer to me a private email to say "Yeah yeah, we have read your request, yes... two times, seriously...(Flush the toilet sound)" really remain a topic to let the people talk and debate it´s so hard? No one in the topic has insulted.

    Like I said one million times, I have NO PROBLEM, if Jason Carr loves Jesus, if he looks and dress like Jesus, or if he has an entire section of his webpage dedicated to religion, I have not the slightest problem with it. And (Copy-paste from my post in the forums) I respect if some people are religious. You love Jesus? Ok, but please, don´t come to my house and start a dull monologue trying to convert me to christianity. Don´t stop me while i´m walking through the street to do the same. Don´t fill my mailbox with religious propaganda, if I want to believe in Jesus, I do it by my own.

    Maybe a few people think so? Maybe, but there´s no reason to ignore/censor people only because you didn't think the same.

  5. Jason Carr repo owner

    Thank you for your thoughts, Luisma. Just wanted you to know that I've seen them. I've chosen to include the scripture in the app and I won't be removing it or providing the option to remove it, because it fulfills a very important purpose for the app. It's important to me to share my faith with everyone, because the app wouldn't have existed without it. I'm sorry to hear that you're offended by it; unfortunately my only suggestion for you would be to use a different piece of software instead if you find that it ruins the experience for you.

    Per, the only thing in the app that has anything to do with them is that we simply link to them in the scripture passage. We don't talk to their site in any way other than when users click on that link.

  6. Luis Manuel Sánchez Pérez reporter

    Hi Jason Carr, thank you for use your time to answer me. It´s a shame you can´t see my point of view to provide software without religious content, but I respect your decision. Of course I´ll continue to use Launchbox since I think that is the best frontend for games ever available. Regards.

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