Platform-specific theme issue

Issue #3929 new
Former user created an issue

In version 7.15 you listed the following improvement:

"Improvement: When switching the global theme in the Big Box options, platform-specific and playlist-specific themes are now reset in order to reduce confusion"

Personally, I don't think this is an improvement for those who like to have many different themes for different platforms. For example, I spent a lot of time setting up different themes and views for the many individual platforms I have as I like to have customized look that fits with each platforms. After doing all that, I wanted to test out a few themes for the main menu (where I chose which platform I want to go into). After doing that, everything was reset and I lost all my platform specific changes I had made.

I can also understand that some people would want to have everything reset when changing themes to avoid confusion as you mentioned. As such, I think an extra option would be ideal. Either an option that says: "Reset all platform-specific themes to the global theme" or an option that says: "don't reset platform-specific themes when switching the global theme" in order to satisfy people on both ends of the spectrum.

Thank you.

Eric Farand

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