can´t add steam games

Issue #4001 resolved
Former user created an issue

My steam profile is public and my user id it´s correct so i don´t understand why i can import my games :/

Comments (2)

  1. Bruce McCloud

    There is an update in the Beta versions of Launchbox. Go to your Tools > Options & look at the Update menu. Allow updates to beta versions. Then close & reopen Launchbox.

    That will prompt a popup asking if you want to install a beta update.

    Once its installed, import steam games like you normally do. You'll notice that the process is slightly different. Launchbox had an API problem due to Valve's terms & conditions prohibiting 3rd party sharing of the API. So Launchbox will give you a link to generate your own API instead. Once you have your API, save it somewhere convenient & remember to access it whenever you want to make future updates to your system.

    Aside from that, it should work (for now... dun dun dun). :)

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