Unable to import any games all of a sudden

Issue #4046 new
AxelTerizaki created an issue


I have successfully setup Launchbox with a bunch of platforms already, but ever since this morning, it just won't import any roms anymore, and just crashes without any error message at the end of the import process (usual Windows message "Launchbox stopped working")

I looked for logs but couldn't find any.

I'm running Launchbox 8.0, my Windows 7 machine is up to date with the latest Windows Updates (I checked again this morning)

Here's what I noted so far:

  • I tried to restore a backup of the platform.xml and re-imported the missing platforms and it worked, up to a point where it wouldn't any more and crashed again

  • I don't think I've hit any hard limits : I have currently 33 platforms

  • Sometimes, clicking on the "Import roms" menu item causes Launchbox to immediately crash without even an error message

  • No matter which platform I try to import roms for, it crashes at the end of the import process (tried it with ScummVM and Commodore Amiga for example, but others I didn't add previously cause a crash as well)

  • These romsets/platforms have been imported before : I had to delete them because I updated their romsets earlier this week-end.

  • When restarting Launchbox, the platform I tried to import isn't listed. It doesn't exist in the Data/Platforms directory as a XML file either.

  • There's 150Gb left on the drive where Launchbox is

To me it sounds like there's some kind of corruption somewhere in my data files, as Launchbox worked very fine with those sets earlier.

I'm attaching my platforms.xml file, as I don't see what other file I could add since there are no logs anywhere (this is something I'd really like LAunchbox to do. Logging os we could try to debug our issues ourselves)

Is there anything else I can help with regarding this bug ?

Comments (3)

  1. AxelTerizaki reporter

    I tried restarting Windows and it worked... until I tried to reproduce the bug again just to make sure, by deleting the ScummVM platform and importing it all again : it crashes all the same.

    I also tried upgrading to the Beta 8.1 (Next) but the issue is still present.

    ... And now I tried readding ScummVM again and it worked ? This is really hard to reproduce for certain.

  2. AxelTerizaki reporter

    I imported some new systems last evening and wasn't able to reproduce the bug.

    I'll keep this issue updated if it happens again, but this is globally frustrating that I couldn't find why it did this and now how it magically works again.

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