Launchbox does not delete games really.

Issue #405 duplicate
Martin Alejandro Liguori created an issue

I deleted all my collection of arcades games and the number of total game never got updated, it's like the games are still there...forever.

Comments (50)

  1. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    Yeap...i just activated the ALL view and there they are....all the games i deleted from all the platforms still there... no way to delete them completly.

  2. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    Wait... if i select PLATFORM and then select the NONE Folder....are all these games the ones i deleted and have no platform anymore?

  3. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    Yeah, I was able to use the platform filter with the NONE folder to delete all games that i deleted, so, it's like a recycle bin, i like it, it is a very strange process but it works, that i think about it this may allow me delete games from a certain platform and move all of them to another folder called (example SNES pirate)

    But still... it's like launchbox still thinks the games are there... i deleted even the folders of the platform manually, and when i tried to import all the games again, all the games were skipped...

    even now, that the total amount of games did sucefully went down (from 13000 games to 5000)

  4. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    Now i can't import my mame games...even checking the force duplicates selection... so.... i'm stuck...

  5. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    Launchbox will not import anything anymore, i have to start all over again, i managed to import my arcade roms using another folder called arcade original, then edited all platform fields on these roms and added them to arcade, then tried to update metadata and images and nothing... it never downloads anything,

    I lost 6 days of making this thing work, trying to make every movie work, every artwork, every front image, for nothing.

    Having only one programmer is not good, this is maximus arcade all over again, once the programmer leaves the project there will be no support anymore. It is better to choose an open source front end.

  6. Jason Carr repo owner

    When you delete platforms, it does not delete the games. It just removes the platforms from the games. You have to delete the games themselves.

  7. Jason Carr repo owner

    Don't start all haven't lost anything. LaunchBox makes backups every step of the way so you've got nothing to worry about. I'm not sure what you're running into, but it could be the EmuMovies bug for the imports. In that case try disabling EmuMovies for now. You may have hit the EmuMovies limits.

  8. Jason Carr repo owner

    This is no longer a one-man operation, either, by the way. We are growing, and we're certainly not going away. Please at least give us a chance to help before jumping off the deep end.

  9. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    I have the backup of everything i did, I made a copy of the backup folder, I can go back replacing the XML, but that is not a solution, I need to deleted the platform and all the games in it, i'm going to try again now,

    I have no limit on emumovies, i'm a full lifetime support.

  10. Jason Carr repo owner

    That shouldn't be necessary. I'm having trouble following exactly what happened. What is your current issue exactly? Still just trying to delete a platform and it's games? It should be as simple as highlight all the games to delete and pressing the Delete key.

  11. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    The problem started when i wanted to delete all the arcade games because i didn't like how i did it the first time.

    1) So I deleted the Platform Arcade 2) Enabled NONE Folder. 3) Went to None folder, all the deleted games were there. 4) Deleted all the games. 5) The total games count went down from 13000 games to 4000, that is correct, that is the amount of games MAME had and the ones left are from other platforms. So everything went smooth and fine, but hell break lose after this... 6) Import roms again, this time a folder with only original mame games. 7) selected everything i wanted. 8) tell launchbox to download ALL and don't skip anything (since the roms are already filtered, so no need to launchbox to filter anything else) 9) Launchbox searches for takes a lot of time, since it is a lot of games (like 5000 games) 10) when eveything finishes, boom... the bottom updater bar dissapears and nothing are not imported, folder arcade is not created...nothing ever happens...

    I tried this 4 times, even giving random names to the folder, like...arcade classics, arcade shit, but nothing works...

  12. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    I replaced the xml now with the one that has all the undeleted games, i'm trying to import the roms now, i asked launchbox to ignore everything and update even if it is a duplicate.... it;s searching on emumovies now... just a few seconds more...

  13. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter doesn't work...even with the old xml... it doesn't download anything, it doesn't create the folder arcade, it doesn't even add the games without any metadata.

  14. Jason Carr repo owner

    Okay, sure. Yes, that is the EmuMovies glitch that I am working to resolve. Unfortunately EmuMovies is tripping up on a certain character in the game titles and I haven't figured out which character it is. Imports/metadata downloads will work fine for everything with EmuMovies disabled. If you can help me figure out what game might be tripping it up, that would be enormously helpful, though I'm sure it'll be a pain. We'll have to just narrow it down by doing different batches to see if they work.

  15. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    Ok, i'll help you, but please add ledblinky support after this... This is the second bug i fix on this frontend (first one was the movies bug, that is working now).

  16. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    send me an email, i'm going to send you the 2 xml that i have, the one when everything was fine, and the other when everything went to hell

  17. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    OK, I went back to the XML were I deleted all the games.

    Now i'm back to 4000 games (it is actually 3407 games in total, I can see the number now).

    I'm importing all the roms again, this time i disabled everything from emumovies... wait....

    IT WORKS.... This is going to take a very long time now, there are 3930 mame games importing now (only originals, no clones. no mahjong, no pinballs, no bios, no casino, no fruit machines).

    When this thing finishes I'm going to try to update this collection with emumovies option.

  18. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    The character that is tripping on is IN the title only? not in the rom name? only in the title field?

    It must be really hard to talk with me and fix a bug, my english is not very good.

  19. Jason Carr repo owner

    Your english is fine, no worries. Sorry for the delay. I'll send you an email. Unfortunately I can't promise you anything because I never know what I'll run into.

    Yes, the character it's tripping on is in the title, I do know that much. I believe the character is a character that is invalid for file names, which is part of the issue.

  20. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    This is still importing roms from gamedb, when it finishes i'll try to update with emumovies

  21. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    OK, Emumovies update started,

    From 0 to 9 OK. From a to b OK From b to c OK From c to d OK From d to e OK From e to f OK From f to g OK From g to h OK From h to i OK From i to j OK From j to k OK From k to l OK From l to m Testing...

  22. Kelvin Lee

    Jason, I am not sure if this is your answer to the character problem or not but I was having problems with roms with (v1.1) or (v1.0) in the game title as I could not get them to launch in launch box until I erased those characters from the game title. I do use rocket launcher and LB together so I was not sure which one was causing the problem rl or lb but those same games launch fine on other front ends with rocket launcher with those same characters in the title.

  23. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    Why using rocket launcher on a front end like launchbox.... that has no sence.

    Anyways, that is not the problem, all my games have characters like that.

  24. Kelvin Lee

    I didnt ask you if rocketlauncher made sense or not and rocketlauncher works great with launchbox and adds many features.

  25. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    WOW...relax kid... I was asking because it makes no sense to me, what features could it add?

  26. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    One problem that I see is that the main XML file gets too large too quick, this causes overall slow downs on launchbox and bigbox, I think you should separate the XML in parts, per system or something... after the 6000 games mark (very easy to get there after adding mame) launchbox starts to lag a lot.

    Why using xml?.... isn't it better to maintain and use an SQL DB? That should be better, and it would make it easier to clean and see. I'm adding a ticket about that.

  27. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    OK, Emumovies update started, From 0 to 9 OK. From a to b OK From b to c OK From c to d OK From d to e OK From e to f OK From f to g OK From g to h OK From h to i OK From i to j OK From j to k OK From k to l OK From l to m OK From m to n Testing...

  28. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    From m to n OK From n to o OK From o to p OK From p to q OK From q to r OK From r to s OK From s to t Testing.

    I'm getting the impression that this thing is not going to fail again today...what is happening? Maybe it is a problem when you import everything together?

    From q to r OK From r to s OK. From s to t OK From t to u Testing

    I just tried from t to z and it failed, seems that we are getting closer to the bug.

    From t to u OK From u to v OK

    From v to w ERROR <----------------

    From w to x OK From x to y OK From y to z OK.

  29. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    From Va to Ve OK

    From Ve to Vi OK

    From Vi to Vo ERROR (tried manually, can't find which game is having problems (1 by 1 seems to work fine) but when I select all it triggers the bug and cancels the download and update.

    From Vo to Vu ERROR (will try this night)

    From Vs OK

    From Vu to V- OK

  30. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    OK, I can't find the error, but it is a game inside the range of Vi to Vo and Vo to Vu

    The game is original, no clones. So that narrows the search a lot.

  31. Jason Carr repo owner

    Great. Can you screenshot those games for me? So that I can see the titles? How many are there?

  32. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    I don't think it is a problem with the title. They all seem to use normal characters.

  33. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    I don't think it is a problem with the title. They all seem to use normal characters.

  34. Jason Carr repo owner

    Okay, hmm. Well somehow or other there's something unique about them that is tripping up EmuMovies. So either way I still need the titles so I can reproduce it; maybe that and the file names? Thanks, Martin.

  35. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    No, it's not the period, the VS. Games were OK on the test. Look at the results.

  36. Martin Alejandro Liguori reporter

    can't you log the process on launchbox? doesn't launchbox log these things? maybe you can make a special .exe for me, so i can try again and give you the log?

  37. Jason Carr repo owner

    Issue is the way EmuMovies insists on receiving the search request, and its response. I can log, sure, but that won't help us here. I tell EmuMovies to give me data on a list of games all at once. I don't do it one by one, because performance would be horrible. Unfortunately EmuMovies crashes on me without giving me any details as to why.

  38. Jason Carr repo owner

    Could it be the parenthesis characters on Vortex (iPod Game)? Try testing just that one and one above or below it. Or just wait and I'll test tonight.

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