Clean Up Updates Folder

Issue #4058 invalid
Former user created an issue

I've checked today the contents of the updates folder and... it's containing 10 Gigabytes of updates. My god! Please, correct this and make a clean up with every update, maintaining only the last one. I can't expect that this simple issue it's not corrected still.

Comments (4)

  1. Psico Lock

    @Lordmonkus AHEM! not invalid, check it! this is my actual state of the folder. Launchbox doesn't clean updates after installed. We have to do it manually.updates folder no autoclean.png

  2. Lord Monkus

    Just delete the files, this does not need a "clean up" button. The reason the update files are left is because sometimes things go wrong and people need to roll back to an older build.

  3. Psico Lock

    Is not needed to waste hhd space without warnings, is enough to clean up all the temp files except the previous one or the non beta installers. Many users are not aware of this, and any user could agree that an app doesn't have to. I'm aware that checking all the bitbucket tickets is a unpleasant task and coding is not easy, but i don't see the point of just drop a suggestion with this kind of "i don't care" "do it yourself" answer.

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