Enhancing Sorting Options

Issue #421 new
Nathan DiYorio created an issue

I've been working on my LaunchBox collection a lot over the past couple of weeks, and it's given me ideas for a new set of ways the experience could be improved. Today's thoughts focus on the "Arrange By" function:

*Give Filters memory for the user's preferred "Arrange By" order so they don't need to constantly go through the "Arrange By" menu when switching filters.

*Implement better Series functionality. Instead of a simple metadata field, it should probably be given its own page in the "Edit" menu where users can enter the series(s) name and which number entry it is. When Arranging By Series, the titles could be displayed in the order the series tag designates. (The option to plural series for better organization of whole franchises... for instance, Luigi's Mansion appearing under both "Super Mario" and "Luigi's Mansion" fields.)

*Add a key function or interface button to "Jump" to the next Arrange By field. Highlight the current field so users know where the Jump is coming from. This will help users with large libraries move through their collection without accidentally skipping over a selection.

Comments (3)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    A sorting option I'd love to see would be the option to not have games that start with "The" be alphabetized under T.

  2. Tony

    Sorting by series first and then a subset could be really useful. I'd love to be able to sort by series and then date published. It would finally make sense of the Kingdom Hearts series.

  3. WolfRamiO

    i think we need a option to short the list be ROM name, example: in the case of "Street Fighter II" you have "Street Fighter II", "Super Street Fighter II" and "Hyper Street Fighter II" on different letters... should be Street Fighter together.

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