A better attract mode would actually launch a random game!

Issue #4363 new
jacobpederson created an issue

A better attract mode would actually launch a random game! Then it could use taskkill on the emulator to switch to another one after a user selected time limit. Most games have their own awesome built-in attract modes, it would be totally awesome to cycle through them all! Thanks!

Comments (2)

  1. Sverre Svenningsen

    Since there is a keybinding to directly launch a game from bigbox I managed to create a autohotkey script that is pretty robust and does a basic form of this on my cabinet, it's hopefully short enough to attach here:

    Loop {
    if A_TimeIdle > 300000
       if WinActive("LaunchBox Big Box")
          SetKeyDelay, 50
          Send, {a down}{a up}
          Sleep, 5000 
          Send, {a down}{a up}
          Sleep, 5000
          Send, {a down}{a up}
          if WinActive("ahk_class RetroArch")
                SetKeyDelay, 50
                Send, {esc down}{esc up} 
          if WinActive("ahk_class MAME")
            Send, {a down}{a up}
            Sleep, 1000
          if WinActive("ahk_exe Explorer.EXE")
            Send, {tab down}{tab up}
                Run C:\Users\user\LaunchBox\BigBox.exe
          if WinActive("ahk_exe Steam.exe")
            Send, {tab down}{tab up}
            Sleep, 1000
    Sleep, 1000

    The main principle is that it it looks at which window is active and acts as a very simple state machine. If bigbox is active and there has been no keyboard input for a while, hit the key that directly loads a game (multiple times just in case bigbox is doing the random animation) Since it sends keypresses to bigbox, it resets the idle timer by itself. A_TimeIdle is in ms so this script toggles back and forth between the bigbox menu and a game every 5 minutes. You have to adapt it to the set of emulators you are using for it to time out the emulators and quit back to bigbox, I mostly use retroarch and mame. It would certainly be nice if launchbox could take care of the launching by itself to avoid the timing issues in the menu :)

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