Clear Logos

Issue #4397 closed
Sean Gotham created an issue

Hi Jason,

I just wanted to voice my personal opinion on the clear logos and hope that you implement this into the I really like the way the clear logos look in the older launchbox and was wondering if possible if you could make the clear logos look the same way in Other then not liking the clear logos I am loving the newest version of launchbox!

Comments (11)

  1. Sean Gotham reporter

    they are different not that different but different enough where it bothers me it doesn't look as clean i wanna upload images but it won't let me.

  2. Lord Monkus

    Can you post a comparison picture ? Maybe it's something that the spacing adjustments can make it look the same to you.

  3. Lord Monkus

    2018-07-28 15_07_48-LaunchBox.pngOk I can see now, and yeah you should be able to replicate the old look with some settings adjustments. Here's a screenshot of how mine look in Next.

  4. Sean Gotham reporter

    Thank you at least i am not crazy i will have to spend time with it to mess with the settings some and see if i can fix it.

  5. Lord Monkus

    There aren't many settings to play with, just the color and transparency of the background box and spacing. Mind if I close this ticket ?

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