a customized Filter Type (View Type) while BigBox is locked Please.

Issue #4444 resolved
James Michael created an issue

as of version 8.6 we have the option for either show all the Filter Type (View Type) list or hide it all entirely as you can see in photo 1. this is nice and neat but limited unfortunately, can we have more customization please?

let us customize (Show/ Hide) these View lists "individually". see photo 2.

what I mean is: can we for example show only "View Playlists/ View Genres/ View Series/ View Play Modes" and hide the rest?

Thank you so much in advance for everything and Best Regards for everyone.

Comments (20)

  1. austin

    I'm sure that's what we wanted in the first place. to make this view list fully customisable. we should have the ability to show what we want and hide what we want when we lock bigbox. I don't know why Jason gone with the "all or none" approach. hopefully this will be fixed in the next update.

  2. thomas jim

    we're on version 9.1 now and we still don't have this enhancement... you really disappointed me guys...

  3. Phantom

    This would be great for my arcade machine actually
    It's really annoying to keep hitting the arcade stick up and down many times to reach to what I want
    As Toni said above, a less cluttered and user-customizable page would resolve this problem for me and for many others I believe.

  4. thomas jim

    woot! implemented perfectly now! many thanks to everyone voted for this!
    Thank you so much, Christian, Jason and everyone at Unbroken Software developers team :)
    you guys and gals are the best!

  5. James Michael reporter

    I confirm it's resolved very nicely.
    great community, great developers!
    thank you so much everyone for making this happen :)

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