Ability to point to specific path for Images, Manuals (and other?) PER platform.

Issue #4498 new
N S created an issue

I only found a tutorial using symlinks, but it would be IMMENSELY useful if LaunchBox supported defining the path to Images, Manuals and ANY platform metadata, in platform xml.

(in other words define those per platform - of course have LaunchBox folder as default like current version)

I would help very much people that keep specific platforms "packaged" in different volumes and would not like LaunchBox own folder to grow huge. Would also make platforms more portable themselves (apart from LaunchBox itself).

Any chance?

Comments (2)

  1. N S reporter

    After I posted this, some more research showed me that game paths are described PER platform in the platform's own XML, but the rest of the paths not. Instead in the main platforms.xml there are all the paths needed, but they are not nested per platform. They are just there as top branches that presumably get "added" in the path list. So for example:

        <MediaType>Box - Front</MediaType>
        <FolderPath>Images\Box - Front</FolderPath>
        <Platform />

    and then later in the XML we have

        <MediaType>Box - Front</MediaType>
        <FolderPath>Images\MS-DOS\Box - Front</FolderPath>

    and this is NOT inside some MS-DOS branch...

    Wouldn't it be better if the paths of the platform are defined clearly per platform? Either under <Platform> branch as part of platform definition) or even better inside the platform's own XML (in the example above, MS-DOS.xml).

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