Importing shortcuts

Issue #4503 resolved
N S created an issue

Right now, importing shortcuts to applications/games is limited to either manually adding them one by one, or using a trick (i.e. add as ROMs with a dummy emulator and then even "delete" the emulator selection). Importing "windows games" (or how it is called in the wizard) limits you to reading the start menu. I would love if that wizard or an extra wizard allowed you to choose where the shortcuts are. On not just shortcuts, bat files too (like SCUMMVM import "trick" as shown in your own video), or plain executables that reside in a folder (or even if possible recursively inside other folders). For example I have a bunch of "stand-alone" games, that work with no install and are all thrown in a folder. Would love to mass add those.

Comments (6)

  1. Lord Monkus

    Your information is outdated, you can import shortcuts without any tricks and in bulk. The very first window of the importer has an option at the bottom to use "None of the above". This was specifically added to make shortcut importing easy.

  2. N S reporter

    What, where? Can you help in on how to reach this? Which importer I need? Because I just checked and can't see it.

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