Remote Second Screen Remote Control - Viewer

Issue #4531 new
MrMovie Mashup created an issue

When I use Kodi I can download a separate app that connect to my network and connects to Kodi so I can use it as a remote control. I can also view what being played and it shows all my scraped collection on the phone app tablet. I thought maybe we could control LB from the couch and also use the second screen beside you to see Whats being played currently showing left and right swiping of box art and media for the rom played. It would also be cool to allow the remote app to access all your Guides and manuals.

Look at the google play store and see Kodi remote apps. I think any of your new or older customers that have paid MIGHT want this $5 app you could charge that could be a companion to LB. I swear this is a cool idea and a continued money maker APP idea for you.

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