More focus on platforms

Issue #4553 new
RetroFrogg created an issue

I am a premium user, and can see the benefits of both Launchbox and BigBox. The main app is obviously Launchbox, with BigBox acting as a nice extra for use in a cabinet or media centre.

I therefore use Launchbox the majority of the time at the moment. It might be different one day when I stop tinkering who knows! But for this reason, I would prefer to have everything available to me in Launchbox, and not have to go to BigBox for certain things.

The main thing I am referring to here is the platform info & video. The great thing about BigBox is that when you select a platform, you get the corresponding platform video as well as some useful information about that platform.

In Launchbox, this is currently missing. You can edit the platform and read the notes there, but it's not the same. And there is no way to easily view the video (without going into the download platform video menu).

Which brings me to the main focus of this feature request - having more focus on platforms, rather than just games, in Launchbox. To me, the information/videos/media regarding the platform is as good to have as the games themselves! It would be great to have this easily viewable in Launchbox, just like the game details are in the game details pane.

In terms of how to work this practically, you are obviously the expert. Based on the current layout, I do have a suggestion. When selecting the platform from the platform tree, Launchbox could then have something akin to the view in BigBox where it shows the platform video and associated information. I think this could be even better in Launchbox with the option to view more associated media like images of the platform, box, controllers, manual, etc. Perhaps when you select a platform, this information could be presented in the game details pane. Then when the user selects a game, the game details pane would display the game info as normal.

Many thanks for considering!

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